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The 2020 United States Election: A Summary So Far: 04/11/2020

Finn Macdiarmid
3 min readNov 4, 2020

At the time of writing, neither Biden nor Trump has secured an election victory, we are nearing the end however, with 43 out of all 50 states decided on a ticket. Some surprises may still await the American population, as October isn’t the only month holding a surprise. Will Trump call for a recount, how will the remaining states align and how much of America will be destroyed in riots once the result is announced?

The prospect of either candidate winning seems to have drawn a divisive line across America, as certain states -most notably Washington D.C.- have adorned their shops with an endless sea of two-by-fours, out of fear for the ever-more likely riots. Another significant element to this election (And most elections) is definitely the 7 remaining swing states: (In order of largest electoral college votes) Pennsylvania (20 EC votes, which Trump seems most likely to get, with him having around a 10% lead over Biden), Michigan (16 EC votes with Biden leading only by 0.3% -about 16,000 votes-), Georgia (16 EC votes, with Trump leading by 2.2%), North Carolina (Another red state worth 15 EC votes, but unlike Georgia, Biden may have a chance at stealing this from under Trump’s nose, as the difference is only 1.4%) Wisconsin (10 EC votes with Biden leading by 0.7% or 30,000 votes), Nevada (Currently in the Democrat’s favour -which was expected, since they have voted Democrat since 2008, after their streak of voting Republican from 1972–1988 then in both the 2000 and 2004 elections- Nevada has only 6 EC votes, and could tip in Trump’s favour as with the current difference Biden holds it by 0.6%) and finally the 7th state, Alaska (While I included Alaska on this list, it shouldn’t be considered a swing state, and is in fact the only non-swing state remaining, as Trump has nearly double the amount of votes as Biden).

In summary, Biden has a decent chance of winning Wisconsin, Nevada and Michigan ,which, at his current count of 238 votes, would land him at 270, exactly what is required to win the election. The Democrats shouldn’t count their donkeys until they are in the field however, as these states have the least difference between Biden and Trump. Biden is only leading Michigan with 0.3% more votes than Trump, and remember, he needs all three to secure his victory. With the other states, Trump can only get within 3 electoral votes of 270, meaning, in order for Trump to win, he has to steal either Nevada, Wisconsin or (The most likely option) Michigan.

Only time will tell if America will see its 45th president for another 4 years, or if so-called “Sleepy Joe” will put Trump’s political career to rest. Thank you for reading, and from here in the United Kingdom, I wish all of America’s people good luck, for whatever comes next.



Finn Macdiarmid

A 3rd year journalism student. Interested in Politics, Gaming, Movies, and Most Other Things As Well. My aim is to become a better writer, one day at a time.